I don't see the point in doing anything anymore

It's wonderful that you're getting this out in the open this early. I know it's going to be hard to tell you to just have another go, considering you have tried so hard already. But at least you can change your focus. I went through a rough situation after which I was wondering how I could ever understand or relate to women. Upon the advice of others, I tried in my friendships with girls to leave them better than I found them instead of even trying to benefit from knowing them. I was surprised how easy and how incredibly joyful it was. At a really rough time in my life I understood that I could actually make a difference by making an impact in the lives of others. I can say that my relationships with females have been very fulfilling, despite the fact that for the past eighteen months or so I have not had a serious "interest" and have abstained from physical contact almost completely. Instead of trying to perform, I have strived to bless.

It certainly doesn't have to look just like this for you. But I would suggest that you shy away from asking girls out or even asking for their numbers - not permanently, of course, but the reason is you won't succeed if this is in the forefront of your mind every time you approach a girl. When in doubt, be patient. Let things build instead of trying to do everything yourself.

Make sure you're constantly exercising and building your body up. You don't have anything to lose, and if you make it on the other side, you'll be glad you hung in there.

Also, check out /r/AskWomen . It can be quite interesting to get the perspective of our counterparts. They are rather interesting creatures indeed.

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