Don't make the same mistake I did. Just don't ask. I feel like a horrible person.

Don't feel didn't know. I was trying to have a 2nd child for 2yrs and had 1 miscarriage. I was asked all the time when I was going to have a 2nd child because my daughter will be lonely. I was in tears all the time not because everyone was asking but I felt like a failure because I couldn't conceive. It was after my brother and father in law passed away 2wks from each other that my husband & i took a break. I finally conceive 1 month after their passing and truly believe my son is a spirit of both these two men. I started telling people about my struggles with conception after I was 5mos pregnant. Some women prefer to talk about it and others (like me) feel embarrassed and would have given you a made up story.

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