"I don't have to be skinny or fit to be beautiful. I don't have to be a certain size to be accepted. I don't need anyones shallow judgment."

I was born with very thin tibias/fibulas (normal length, just with a much smaller than average circumference -- I am literally small boned when it comes to those 2 in addition to having small feet). After complaining of shin pain when I was 15, my fellow female shitlady orthopedic surgeon read me the riot act about my weight. Fully grown and barely into a normal BMI, I had just hit a spurt and went to almost 120lbs at 5'6" which was a 20 lb gain for me. The excruciating pain was from stress fractures to those poor little tibias because they were carrying too much weight, and she let me know that the only way to prevent them was to not carry all that excess weight.

OMG I was so triggered. I ran out of there immediately to cry in my car (don't worry, a super hot resident had followed me with a piece of chocolate cake and knocked on my car window with an apology, telling me I was perfect just the way I was). I can't go to a doctors office and face the number on the scale. If someone shares their weight loss pictures/story I have to unfollow their Tumblr. I immediately canceled my scheduled surgery with her and went on my search for a HAES practicing ortho. </s>

Oh wait. I took that advice to heart, dropped the excess 15lbs I put on by over eating cookies that holiday season (kept the awesome perky boobs I got out of the deal though!). I only weigh myself at the doctors office now a few times a year. And when I put on 10lbs from eating crap after my first car accident because I used the excuse I couldn't stand too long to cook myself meals, since I couldn't exercise I adjusted my calorie intake and lost the blubber quickly -- plus a few weeks of being minimally weight bearing I healed and no more leg pain!

Stupid doctors. I mean, what do they really know with all that education?! It annoys the shit out of me that weight is a massive factor in exacerbating many medical conditions (if not the outright cause) but a doctor is forced to tip toe around it because it might hurt someone's feelings. I loved that ortho for drilling it into my head that with my disability there are a lot of things I can't change, but there are some I could control and this was one of them.

And fat asses reading this -- please try your shit at Johns Hopkins Ortho (or any department really). I've spent way too much time at that place, know way too many surgeons personally, and have brought up HAES to them and their residents. No one is going to buy your garbage, those little cards from Shitstain are making the rounds and you are a joke. If there was one hospital that really does care about their outcomes and numbers it is this one -- your hurt fee fees don't matter one damn bit. A knee replacement on a 400lb patient isn't going to happen no matter how much you bitch.

/r/fatpeoplehate Thread Link - imgur.com