Is driving the trans Canada highway worth it?

The Trans Canada through the Rockies is stunning. Once in a lifetime, bucket list stunning. Through the prairies is about as scenic as the I-90. The rest is pretty fantastic, though. In order to stay on the T-Can, you'd have to dip down into Southeastern Ontario, which would take you to Niagara Falls, not so scenic other than the Falls themselves and the drive along the Niagara Parkway. If you wanted to avoid it you could continuevstraight and angle north, by Timmins, or south, by Sudbury. The latter takes you to Montreal, the former, Ottawa, and there are some beautiful drives through the Laurentians. If you go east to Quebec City you'll be getting into familiar territory. I went out on the I-90 on a motorcycle, ended in Seattle, rode up to Vancouver and Vancouver Island, and came back on the T-Can. Would do it again. Wrote an essay about it a number of years ago.

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