Dutch Consider Taking Russia to Court Over Downing of Jet Over Ukraine

Dutch- "You shot our plane down!" Russia- "Nah, wasn't us." Dutch- "It was a Russian surface to air missile..." Russia- "wasn't us" Dutch- "...from a Russian platform..." Russia- "wasn't us." Dutch- "...by Russian soldiers behind the Russian frontline!" Russia- "Oh! Yeah, wasn't us." Dutch- "We have proof!" Russia- "K, whatever. It was us, but we had a good reason. There were terrorists on the plane." Dutch- "No, there were not." Russia- "Alright, maybe not. But we heard a rumor that there were. Now fuck off!" UK- "You poisoned an ex spy and his daughter with a Russian-made nerve agent!" Russia- "wasn't us, fuck off!"

               The End
/r/worldnews Thread Link - nytimes.com