DW gives me a bad time about drinking my honey-sweetened green tea while sipping her nitric oxide laced pre-workout energy drink.

Green tea, oolong, and white tea are, in fact, "black tea" in the sense that "black tea" is often used as the umbrella term for the plant that produces all forms of true tea (as opposed to herbal tea).

From Wikipedia: "Black tea is a type of tea that is more oxidized than oolong, green and white teas. Black tea is generally stronger in flavor than the less oxidized teas. All four types are made from leaves of the shrub (or small tree) Camellia sinensis. "

As a TBM, it bugged me to no end when temple-attending mormons would drink energy drinks containing green tea like it wasn't even a problem which it totally is if you are trying to keep the WOW consistently, which is totally possible since the WOW is a document that actually has any internal logic at all!! . Grrrr. Meanwhile my childhood Bishop woudln't even drink hot chocolate and one of my religion professors at BYU would not even touch hot lemon water.

The frustration nearly made my head explode as a TBM. I guess I'm still miffed about the rampant hypocrisy and various interpretations that are shoehorned into the "one true church."

/r/exmormon Thread Parent