Easily obsessed.

Ok I am seriously going through some stuff myself, but my thing isnt like after one date, but then again I can think back to years ago and the girl with the misfits belt buckle, and knowing this girl was totally cool, I'm sorry I don't even know how I can think about this girl, and it's like I'm such a broken person, I think I must have spent to much time studying the metaphysical ramifications of true romance, and I'm going to see her in a few days like just and old friend. I am scared shitless, but I'm ok. So about you, I honestly dont think you have really given us enough information, so I'm going to make a bunch of assumptions that might be complete bullshit. Here goes, you met someone recently that you are very attracted to, and you are afraid. You might have gone out on a date, and haven't heard back, or your post date communications haven't left you confident. The date ended well enough because you have this attraction as proof. However you feel that it is best to appear aloof, because if you let your needs known this man might see you as someone unable to care for her own needs, and therefore unable to approach a relationship on equal footing. You believe that it would be best to seek out other venues to meet your emotional needs. So have I hit the mark?

/r/dating Thread