Empire ranking in 2.0: Donations shmonations

Boy are you late to this thread. How did you even get here? This is a guide for ranking up, not primarily a debate on what one could classify different things.

Progression speed is that of an MMO, which is what I was referencing. Game vision in general is that of an MMO. If you were around before 1.4 you'd know about the massive instancing issues where you couldn't even get 9 people reliably in an instance if you tried. Post 1.4 (AKA CQC) the instancing has been such that there are multiple videos of 20+ CMDR battles over the sub. Hell even today there was a video of 12+ CMDRs taking place in a Sidewinder demo derby.

Most MMOs have dedicated servers where your client sends your player data to be distributed to any other clients in the area with you. Servers can not only handle that, but generally handle that well because you're usually only a few hitboxes (legs/arms/torso/stomach/head, with some variation), a weapon with moderate customization, and perhaps some small player customization or decals. Sending and receiving info to a stationary server usually results in a stable ping between players, and can usually hand out more requests than P2P because it's literally a server dedicated to doing that. Games with player host or P2P purely connections will have faster, but more unreliable connections due to the nature of not having a middleman, instead relying on their connection to each other... And will have trouble connecting to a lot of players at once because people's computers generally aren't dedicated server material.

Elite not only doesn't have an instancing dedicated server where you are constantly sending player data, relying on P2P instead meaning your single client has to distribute your data to however many clients it can connect to - but the data required for a ship transmission is way higher than a player model with pretty particle effects. We're talking usually 15-20+ individual hitboxes for modules, all external slots on the ship, and a moving modular hull damage model. That's a lot of data to send to another client, let alone 20+.

Though I do enjoy you calling out Frontier's business practices while you heartily enjoy Nexon games. That made me chuckle.

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