Ever dated someone who was undeniably sexist?

I found out he had a lot of sexist views well into the relationship (like 3 years in) and he was also sexist in a lot of subtle ways too.

One day he mused over how my name would sound with his last name, and I said, "Oh sorry but I like my name so I'd keep it if we got married" and he was absolutely outraged. He took is as some personal insult and started saying that I clearly hated his family and I must think the women in his family were stupid for taking their husband's name... I was gobsmacked! I said "it's a personal choice, if they were happy to take their husband's last name then what does that have to do with me? I don't really care what anyone else does."

I tried to ask him why it was so maddening, and he said "what's the point of being married if you don't take my name?" and I said "Surely being married is the point of marriage...? and, well if it matters so much to share a name you can take mine" and he said "it doesn't work like that. And besides I'd never take your name unless it had some sort of benefit for me".... WOOOOOW WHAT? I think he was referring to the fact that my parents are pretty well known in their fields so the last name might give him some kind of boost by association... lmaooooo and what was the benefit of me taking his name again??

So anyways, we argued back and forth for a bit and I said I would be fine without an engagement ring, I don't really like them, and guess what! he was okay with that! I said I'd like wedding bands though and he said "Oh I don't like wearing rings so I won't get one"... the hypocrisy... I just said "what's the point in being married if we don't have rings?" to point this out and he just went silent like "shit... she's right". To his credit, his views changed on this and he saw how ridiculous he was being. He said to me that he had a lot of views he never realised were actually sexist, but his father was one of the most stereotypically sexist men I've ever met so I don't think my ex really stood a chance if his entire childhood was being exposed to that all the time, he was bound to soak it up.

He was also kind of resentful that I extended my studies for a year, which I understand because we lived an hour away from each other and it meant me still living in my town instead of moving in with him. He said he was tired of only seeing me for 2-3 days a week and just wanted to move in together - I felt awful about it but the commute would have been ridiculous to do every day. Like, 3 hours of travelling a day between my university and his apartment for 5 days a week... I couldn't afford it, either. The first job he got after he signed a lease with me had him travelling outside the country for 5-6 days a week :| Soooo it was okay for him but not for me? Right then...

I dunno, lots of little things that built up and kind of sucked, but he said that I sort of opened his eyes to some things he never considered were sexist. I wish him the best and I hope he thinks about these things more because it really sucks to have a different set of rules placed on you seemingly because of your gender but your partner can do whatever he wants :/

/r/AskWomen Thread