Reddit's AMA board had a couple people from Brookings institute talk about the prospect of legalization in the states, which was very informative on the academia level. While I don't expect anything outside of some state legalization {come on Arizona 2016} and introduction of medical marijuana for at least a decade, I would absolutely love it if at the very least it was decriminalized on the federal level, but that does require a pretty huge campaign effort from the pro-marijuana advocates. Which thankfully have at least matured from "it's fun" stance to "rights and moral attitude towards victimless acts" mentality of the prospects. But of course, more studies are going to be required and test-runs in several states i.e Colorado, Washington, and now Alaska in order to get a concrete picture of the prospect of legalization. Also, the anti-legalization camp hasn't really shown much opposition, I expect if it started to come more to the federal level we'd see a complete reversal.

My personal preference is, I don't see it as bad as say alcohol or the notion of "all stoners are lazy" (some are) and it certainty does have medical properties {has drawbacks, despite what people would "like" to believe} as such my friend buys hers for severe back pain and another because of Crohn's disease, or if you're in California because of insomnia and a hundred dollars. Don't know if any state has it for bipolar disorder, doubt it though.

Heck, a lot of my friends {even I} one of most key aspects for getting a job is to have money for food, rent, gas, and of course some smoke to chill around and watch some Netflix or something, while it is illegal, I certiantly don't see the actual problems in doing such. In my observations, things only start to become problematic when alcohol is involved, probably because everyone around me is an uppity teenager with something to prove and thus can't tolerate alcohol at a professional level or because of a history of chronic violent alcoholics in my family {which is why I only rarely drink, maybe some gin, scotch or vodka on very extremely rare occasions}

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