Extremely controversial opinion: I don't think Cate is actually suicidal.

I've dealt with depression for many years. About 14 years ago I was at my absolute worst. Everyday was a struggle for me to not take my life. Everyday I woke up thinking I just have to get through today not knowing whether I was strong enough and wondering everyday if today was going to be the day. Christmas Day 14 years ago I went over to my parents with my kids to celebrate Christmas. I told my parents I wasn't feeling well and left early. My children's dad was picking them up for Christmas later so they stayed at my parents. I drove to my house thinking today is the day. I can't hold on any longer. I drove by my house and didn't get out of my car. I was sobbing uncontrollably and thinking I can't do this today, I can't do this to my children on Christmas. I drove myself to the hospital and when I walked through the door the intake lady rushed over to me and immediately took me to a back room. I told the nurses and doctors I just needed someone to stop me from killing myself today because it's Christmas and I can't do that to my children on Christmas. I was hospitalized 3 times within 3 months after that and Not because I wanted a vacation. Some people go back into treatment because maybe the medication isn't working the way it had been or maybe you thought you could handle being back in your everyday life but once you are there the panic and insecurities set back in. OP depression isn't black and white. What works for you doesn't mean it's going to work for me or anyone else. I would suggest you educate yourself on depression before you go speculating and diagnosing people based on your experience alone.

/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 Thread