It feels like Lux could be at 57% winrate and 60% playrate and Lux abusers would still say "just pick an assassin bro dodge her Q bro she's not OP just l2p"

The conclusion I'm jumping is that you are more concerned about complaining about than doing what it's at your disposal about it, yes right now she is overtuned, and she will be nerfed, there is plenty of other champs that suffer from the same issue, what was the point of what I said? That he told you what you can do about it, your straight answer is no, and proceed to say she either get nerfed or I lose the lane because I can't do anything against -insert here your list of complaints-.

The point of what I was saying in response to what the other person told you is that there is something you can do about it in the meanwhile, it's clear that you don't care and are more concerned about complain than taking the advice, be my guest.

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