Female genital mutilation (FGM) is increasingly being performed on babies and infants in the UK - In one report, in Yorkshire, a victim was just one month old.

Why do you insist on misrepresenting and/or downright lying ("most FGM incidents are predominantly Christian") about this issue?

More than half of FGM is in just three countries:

~ Total ppl. ~ Total Chr./Mus. % ~ FGM/C %
Indonesia 261m 10% Chr. // 87.2% Mus. overall 97.5%
Ethiopia 103m 62.8% Chr. // 33.9% Mus. ~60% Chr. // 82.2% Mus.
Egypt 95m 10-15% Chr. // rest almost all Mus. 74%? Chr. // 92%? Isl. (map) vs. "91%" (wiki)
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