First responders are some rude ass people.

As a former EMT and veteran junkie I can give you some insight into why some first responders resent junkies. We usually are working 24 hours shifts and on top of the constant burnout and tiredness, dealing daily with all sorts of horrors that would make normal people throw up, freak out, and most of us have some sort of PTSD and so on. The issue with heroin ODs has of course blown the fuck up in the USA in the past 10 years, and as many of you know, junkies waking up from being narcanned are undergoing an extremely unpleasant process. This makes them angry, combative, even vicious. I've been attacked by people who were narcanned and most EMTs have. There is no sense of gratefulness at all from most junkies, just the feeling of having inconvenienced them, ruined their high, and so on, despite the fact that we can't control the fact that we were there.

On top of the whole being attacked and hated by junkies, many EMTs resent the honest fact that ODs are overwhelmingly a self-induced situation, and one time we were too busy responding to some junkie ODing for the 10th time and were too late to the scene of a car wreck where children died (giant rural county, small rescue agency). Junkies use our time and resources when they would otherwise be devoted to (and I hate to put it this way) "real" or "actual" accidents, not self-inflicted ones.

Food for though. be careful dudes.

/r/opiates Thread