FL Bridge Collapse - Guess Who The Engineer Was ...

First time posting in this subreddit, male myself, not judging any of it one way or another.

I reckon this is actually a case of a culture that has long mistaken self-esteem with ability.

That's what I really see wrong with modern feminism. Not it's core principle. It's core principle is fine IMO. Insofar as I understand it's core principle to be more about merit than gender. Nobody should be where they are because of their gender, it should be about ability. I don't think a reasonable person disagrees with this.

But back to modern feminism. It's actually a shame it's as misguided as it is. I like meritocracy. This seems like comeuppance, not for feminism in the abstract, but a comeuppance for idiots who think real merit can be replaced with something else.

It seems like this group of feminist engineers weren't first and foremost about the engineering. There are some notable, meritorious figures for female engineers in history. I don't recall reading about any of them abandoning the basic principle of merit and ability ahead of what gender they happen to be.

/r/MGTOW Thread