For the first time in 21 years, I FEEL beautiful. For all my verbal abusers, I AM beautiful.

You're actually very wrong for several reasons. Granted, i'm not saying because your opinion is different you're wrong, because I agree with valid arguments and statements. However, I believe in your better than less than theory, but there are most certainly good and bad people whether you tend to believe so or not. Secondly, this was my first reddit post, i'm not very familiar with it and I was NOT searching for compliments whatsoever. I did this for myself. Compliments may come and go, but it doesn't really phase me. It's nice to hear, to be reassured that I live up to someones beauty standards. I needed this for me, and it may not be something that you'll ever understand, but it gives me a sense of bravery. Looks aren't as important, I agree but it does feel good to finally feel beautiful on the outside. I know where my thoughts and my heart lyes, and I can tell you that for a long time i've felt very ugly on the inside. I've made some adjustments in my life, for better and for worse and I've come up with self confidence. Is this so hard to believe? I'm not asking for compliments of strangers to prove anything to anyone but myself. I may be older or younger than you but my age doesn't defy if I earn or compare. I assure you my list of accomplishments i'm very proud of. Someone who deals with verbal abuse from peers and/or family doesn't just ignore it. You grow up your entire life believing what people tell you after so long. This post WAS NOT INTENDED for people like you to tell me i'm fishing for compliments. I can only post a picture of exterior beauty, but unfortunately am unable to post a photograph or how happy I am inside to finally have felt this change. So, here's to you.

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