For The_Donald

Er, no. For starters, those posts were always there. They were just downvoted before. Then, when the race became Clinton v Trump, most of the left-leaning people did exactly what most left-leaning people did and fell behind the left-leaning candidate.

This is a fair statement. to me it seemed like an instant shift, but after evaluating your statements, feelings aren't a solid gauge of the actual situation, so this makes sense.

Only the comment editing thing happened. The 0 post was just downvoted, and the "subscriber" count was a mislabeling.

Yes, I do agree that their top "0 seth rich yaaar" posts WERE downvoted. However, there were posts where they were the top of r/all, had like 80% upvoted, and were at 0 score. I think it was on his official pres pic, I think.

She was absolutely not as equally hated. The hate she got in the primaries was when she was up against Sanders. The way reddit as a whole (and the left in general) viewed her shifted when she got put up against Trump. If you stick them on a number line in order of preference, Sanders would be +10, Clinton would be 0, and Trump would be -10. Even though the distance between Sanders and Clinton is the same as the distance between Clinton and Trump, that doesn't mean Clinton is viewed as poorly as Trump. Hopefully I put that in a way that makes sense.

It does make sense. I may revisit this tomorrow to better debate the numbers, but I think she was equally disliked.

Reddit has always been this way. I mean the top post of all time for the longest time was Obama's win in 2008. It actually used to be filled with pro-Ron Paul posts, too. Where do you think the "Enough____Spam" name came from? /r/EnoughLibertarianSpam was the first, because for whatever reason reddit was infatuated with Paul back in 2011 and 2012.

Fair. I do remember the Ron Paul days and their sudden influx.

Well, all valid points man. I do agree with some, and I may revisit some others tomorrow. Either way, thanks for making me revisit my sentiments about Reddit.

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