Former Republican says "gun worship" has "gotten worse" under Trump as Conservatives struggle to redefine patriotism

What would you call a tiger in the wild as opposed to one in the zoo? Free, right? But that free tiger always has a need to be armed with its killing tools. You can’t declaw a tiger and put it up against another tiger with claws; it won’t survive. Now, you and I are not tigers, and because of this biological fact, that law doesn’t really apply to us, right? Wrong! Every breath you take comes with a risk. You have no guarantees that the laws of this country can protect you; none whatsoever. Walk into your favorite grocer and tell me, with no uncertainty in your heart, that every single person you lay eyes on couldn’t kill you with effortless ease. You live in an illusion, but once you become aware that you have no rights that could be enforced while a bullet is flying at your face, then you become aware why firearms are necessary. You become aware why they represent freedom. You can’t be free without a beating heart.

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