France to fine men up to €750 for wolf-whistling or making sexual comments to women

i will not deny that japan has those problems. i am part italian and when back in italy i can see that on average italians are also quite bad in terms of culture towards respecting women, and i see catcalling there too. i have no problem admitting my own people need to get their shit together. just like i have no problem with identifying the fact that in france and other countries, people from morocco/etc. are more likely to behave a certain way towards women. it's just how it is. certain cultures see women differently. in the UK i never saw anything like that. in Italy it's worse, you get lost of catcalling and creeps. In places like Paris you get full-blown 4 north african guys following 16 year old blond girls home and scaring the shit out of them. it's different magnitudes of what's considered "normal".

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