Fuck my life iam such a pussy

Alone time, exercise, eating right, temporary exposure to fearful stimuli, and not using drugs is the only thing I found that works for social anxiety. Plus, the anxiety weakens with time. Whatever you do, don’t quit your job, or you will feel much worse. Go on a solo fishing trip. Go climb a mountain alone. Be at peace with yourself. Once you are at peace with yourself and you like yourself, I think you will feel more comfortable around people.

And I implore you to stay away from any drug. No marijuana at all. No alcohol unless you are celebrating a good accomplishment. No amphetamines or opiates. Caffeine is okay if it doesn’t worsen your social anxiety. Caffeine could even make you more sociable, but it depends. Also, I’m not much of a believer in many of the antidepressants. The only one I believe in is bupropion.

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