Gal Gadot without makeup

Please understand the difference between Zionism and supporting the end of the occupation of Palestine, because they are not mutually exclusive. Zionism only means you support the existence of a State for the Jewish people in the land they have always lived in for thousands of years. To be a Zionist is to believe that the Jewish people have a right to live in theirs own land, free and safe from the antisemitism so frequently found throughout the world. It does NOT mean you support the treatment of Palestinians and the occupation of Palestine by the Israeli government. There is not and should not be anything wrong with proclaiming that Israel, a home for be Jewish people in the land of their ancestors, has a right to exist. But that does not mean that a Zionist is incapable of criticizing the Israeli government and military’s actions. That would be like criticizing someone for believing. America has a right to exist because America has fucked up so many countries throughout the world. Want to call her anti-Palestinian and an aggressor? Fine. But do not conflate that with Zionism. It is not the same.

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