Gay Girl - As an observer, fuck the height shit.

Also, the height thing is really only relevant in contexts of dating, and primarily online dating. Men aren’t faced with an onslaught of physical assault by women for being short.

On the other hand, fat women are relentlessly abused at all times in nearly all contexts. Ugly women just straight up do not get hired at the same rate as attractive women. And while fat men are abused by society too, the amount of weight a woman has to carry before she starts being abused as a fat person is so much lower than it is for men.

Also, most instances of domestic assault are acts of violence by men against women.

It’s why I don’t like this double-standard argument. It might be petty to not even speak to someone on Tinder because they’re 5’8, but it’s not contributing to the abuse patterns women experience.

/r/Tinder Thread Parent