Gender differences are backed up by SCIENCE! Gender differences that feminists cannot argue with.

As the Christmas season approaches, Swedes are preparing for the Feast of Lucia, on Dec. 13, when children march in processions accompanying St. Lucia, traditionally portrayed by a teenage girl in white robes and crowned with a wreath of lighted candles.

Could a boy now portray Lucia?

In fact, Ms. Edholm said, in recent years in a town outside Stockholm a teenage boy did seek the role, but was refused. Evidently, she said, women in modern Sweden can more readily slip into male roles than vice versa.

“The interesting thing is that it’s not a problem for a girl to be Santa Claus,” she said. “But it is a problem for a boy to be Lucia.”

Turns out denying boys a role in gender neutral paradise just means that girls have more opportunities. Exactly like every other experiment with diminishing male capacity has led to entrenched feminist gains with zero benefit to men. Aside from smugness on behalf of the omega men who never had anything to lose by enabling feminist gains.

I remember reading a review of one of these skeezy schools where they encouraged boys to touch and cuddle. Not like prosocial touching between men that encourages bonding (butt slaps and arm punches) or battle buddies sharing a blanket in cold weather, but straight bribing little boys to touch and hug. The tone of the article was overwhelmingly positive and absent from this topic was whether or not boys and girls were encouraged to engage in similar behavior.

If I had to guess this overseer behavior sounds like they've let pederast foxes take charge of their "hen" houses. At the very least these people fetishize cooperation and feminine traits in children while shaming pre-masculine traits that manifest in boisterous behavior. Unlike the article you linked they don't stop when they can't nurture children into the mold they want. They remove masculine outlets for boys, fill their heads with confusing adult non-traditional relationships and ambiguous gender roles. Then demonize anyone that doesn't kowtow to their level of pansexual acceptance. is the offshoot school.

TLDR: Thank the heavens if you weren't born to radical leftists.

/r/TheRedPill Thread