Girl, 13, Who Wrote Essay on Gun Violence Is Killed by Stray Bullet

It sounds like a lot of things to me, but unhinged comes to mind more often than not. Objectively - say a small percentage of the population does stockpile and prepares for what they see as a very real threat. I won't argue what constitutes a real threat as that's a massive debate in and of itself. Let's say for the sake of argument, the government crosses whatever arbitrary line and this percentage of the population mobilizes. Mind you, we have over 350 million people, so they are a very, very small group.

The police in most instances anymore have these groups outgunned. Some people would argue that - whatever. Even with superior weapons, let's play this out logically. What happens if you manage to kill off the police trying to stop you? More police. An endless stream of police. Local. State. Federal. Do you have backup that will keep coming? That's just police. If necessary, the National Guard will be called to step in. Now you're truly and objectively outgunned, and they have air support, organization, coordination, tanks, etc. And numbers. So, maybe you have a huge group and you stand your ground and the rest of the armed forces join the fight.

Objectively - can any group, even with decent numbers stand up to the modern US law enforcement and military and be effective in any way? Do people actually think their martyrdom will inspire others? Does any of this sound familiar to modern history beyond our borders? Do they actually honestly think they'll storm the White House and take over?

We do have a mental health problem in this country, and this subset of people aren't helping their cause. At all.

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