As a girl, I hate all this empowerment nonsense that's being shoved down women's throats these days.

You do get that "wanting to be anything" doesn't just stop at actually working towards it right?

A little girl can decide to be a doctor, but she still has to navigate through shitty old men (her teachers) who think that men are better doctors, she will get away with way less because when men complain then they "raise questions", when females complain they're being "snappy and emotional". She has to decide to either pick a male heavy area like a surgeon and deal with those assholes, or a less stressful female friendly like pediatrics which is a more common field for females. After all that, also be ready to be mistaken for a nurse by the majority of patients because nurse = female, doctor = male by the classic stereotype.

That is just one field but you get the idea. Like I say, It's awesome if this isn't your experience but that just means you've been very very lucky.

Rosa Parks was 1955, you seriously think if racism wasn't figured out in 64 years then gender equality is anywhere near that?

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