Girls of Reddit, what are common mannerisms for a guy that screams low self confidence?

Don't worry too much about it JD_W98:

quite a few of these signs apply to me as well!

But I have absolutely ZERO interest in changing who I am at this point in my life.

My girlfriend loves me. I love her. Her cats like me. I like me! I love my life.

If someone wants me in their life as a friend, then they have to accept me for who I am, including my weaknesses.

In fact, I even like some of my weaknesses: they make me more human.

Some say to continue to grow as a person, you have to CONSTANTLY continue to try and change yourself, and fight your weaknesses each and every day, and progress steadily, through a rigid set of goals.

All that, just so that you don't show any signs of weakness, and try to convince a couple of extra people (judgemental people at that!) to like you, because you appear to be inhumanely perfect, with no outward signs of weakness.

Seriously that seems like an exhausting and extremely uncomfortable life to live!

In other words, just because I sometimes find it awkward to:

  • stare into the eyes of someone I just met and don't make prolonged eye contact,

  • or sometimes I might prefer a lighter/gentler touch when shaking the hands of a stranger (rather than a firm embrace of our hands, when I don't even know you!),

  • or just because on a particular day I don't feel like being the one to make even a simple decision (such as where we should eat dinner),

  • or just because I don't feel like getting into a debate on that particular day, about whether or not Game of Thrones is a good TV show...

... just because of something like that, if you do decide to pass serious judgement upon me, categorize me, and reduce me to a simplified stereotype of "lack of confidence",

then quite simply, my only thought about that person is:

"f--k you!"

Someone who is going to harshly judge you for these types of things, is probably going to make your life misery, and nothing you do, or achieve, will ever seem quite good enough to them.

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