This guy goes to his local cemetery every year to clean the graves of those forgotten heroes

Do you constantly praise the French? Will you not have a word ever said against them? Because without the French your country would never have even existed. Are you grateful to the French people that liberated your country from a monarchy? I thought not.

inb4 yeah but we saved their 'asses' in both world wars (not true).

inb4 yeah but we protect Europe today (not true).

inb4 yeah but you speak English now because of us (dude we on this little island have been speaking English long before your place even existed to most, and will continue to do so, long after this trivial argument has been forgotten).

Please remember that the German military had long been defeated long before US troops ever even entered either world wars. Haven't you ever wondered why you've never heard of great battles between the US navy and the German navy? Or the US airforce and the Luftwaffe? That's because by the time you entered they'd already been destroyed by the British and the Russians. And don't try to tell me that the USA helped - they were profiteering. The USA only entered the war after Japan and Germany declared war on the USA, not the other way round.

Hitler was committing atrocities and you stood back and made a profit, until your hand was forced. And even then the Russians had already done most of the work. And this from a country whose national symbol is the Statue of Liberty. And you who make light of the deaths of millions in an effort to make your country "great again".

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