Gym Story Saturday

My girlfriend is considering trying out powerlifting but has no real lifting experience; so I got her started on SL this week.

Apparently some twat kept staring at her ass while she was doing squats, and after they made direct and obvious eye contact he tried to cover it up by asking if he could work in.

My girlfriend is sweeter than a doting grandmother and agreed. He then proceeded to get even twattier and creepier by flirting super hard even after she mentioned me. Apparently he tried to do whole impress her with his strength thing by squatting 300 for a total grinder that didn't break parallel.

They generally lift at the same time, so he's hit on her every time since while she just keeps getting colder and more annoyed. One of his favorite ways to try and get her attention is by hitting maxes and pr's while getting way too hyped in an attempt to make sure she notices.

I'm about 25lbs heavier and a lot stronger than the above mentioned twat. So Wednesday I bought a day pass to her gym and I went in to work out with her. After she pointed the guy out to me, I proceeded to make all of his pr 1rm's into my working sets. While making a scene like a douchey Ronnie Coleman by calling out "Light weight baby!" before and after each set. I wanted to make sure that fucker saw. I was so obnoxious that a gym employee asked me to tone it down. I felt a little bad for the other people in the gym, but was happy that I made my point.

I've never been into the whole alpha thing, but damn did that feel good. He didn't talk to her at all yesterday.

On the downside, I'm now too embarrassed to go back to that gym. in my quest to show that guy what's up I ended up becoming the very thing I hated.

I guess I'll have to go around giving spots and encouragement to noobs in order to balance out my Karma with Brodin.

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