I had a surgerical procedure and the anesthesiologist pushed a medication into my IV without fully explaining the effects of the drug beforehand. Am I overreacting?

I can understand why you will be upset and it sounds like something happened to the timing between giving you the midazolam and the actual surgery, maybe there was a delay.

Midazolam is a very commonly used drug in an anaesthesia. It can be used as an anti-anxiety medication (lower dose) but it also helps with the sedation by inducing sleepiness and decreasing the dose needed of other anaesthetic agents. It’s commonly given in the anaesthetic room because it’s not an anaesthetic and it won’t prevent you from breathing.

Amnesia is an important part of the anaesthetic process. No one wants to remember their surgery or be aware of what’s happening during their surgery. Every patient will be amnestic during their surgery.

I can promise you, that nothing nefarious was done here but I understand if you need to talk to someone to feel more comfortable.

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