Haley demands UN punish Cuba, Bolivia after ‘mob scene’ at US event for Cuban political prisoners

Haley is such a sycophant trump licker. She has done more harm to the UN than all the previous administrations combined. Plus this clutching pearls is such a snowflake spoiled rich girl move...lol "a mob scene"...oh no, people in fancy dress hollering and banging on table...shocking /s. There was little if any real damage an the furniture they damaged looked to be like $9.99 office max rejects.

This is just bluster to ramp up the right wing anti-cuba agenda. It's not ironically on the heels of turmp saying he's ditching the intermediate range missile treaty with russia (i agree he should do that)...but this cuba bluster combined with that is basically setting up another cuba missile crisis scenario LARP. It would play out perfect for the trumpfucks. While collusion trump secretly talks with putin and knows nothing would come of it the pure fear a nuclear cuba would play out perfectly for liar trumps re-elect.

/r/politics Thread Link - foxnews.com