I haven't spoken to him in a very long time. I still don't think he understands what he said.

I was a very stupid teenager and ended up getting my girlfriend pregnant at 17. Had the kid at 18, ended up having 2 more with her by 23. I love my kids very very much, I would die for them.

But I fucking hate having kids. Now I had them very early obviously so I am kind of biased but I didn't get to do a lot of the cool stuff my friends did going through my twenties. I didn't get to live alone and just be on my own and do whatever I want. I really regret not being able to "find" myself, i've always wanted to be a musician but I never got a chance to do anything with it.

Me and my wife (same girlfriend) have been through a LOT of shit in the past decade, a lot of it shitty, a lot of it was amazing. I am not saying having children will completely ruin your life, because it really won't. Being a parent is such a huge responsibility and I just didn't understand that until recently how much gravity that title holds.

My childhood wasn't a particularly good one, my dad was and still pretty much isn't around. I went through my teenage years not knowing how people could be the way my dad is, but I think it really matured me a lot quicker than most of my friends. I realized life isn't always perfect and not everybody gets to have a good one. When she told me she was pregnant the first time (and the subsequent times too) I literally fell to the ground in disbelief. I had a million and one questions racing through my head. Would I be a good dad? Would I end up being as shitty as mine was? What if I do my best and they end up hating me? I mean the list goes on.

I am by no means an amazing dad, I am probably an "average" parent at best. They are all getting older now and every day that question always pops in my head: Will my kids dislike me as they get older? I can really only say having kids sucks because I just wasn't ready to deal with all the responsibility that comes with having a child.

I am trying to better myself in the parenting realm but it's a really complicated thing to be, a parent. There are so many other people on this planet that would be better parents to my children than me, but I helped bring them into this world so we're kind of stuck with each other. I love my kids very much, but having to take care of them and deal with the day to day stuff gets to me sometimes.

None of this really makes sense now that I read it all but I have had all that on my mind for quite awhile now and typing it out helps a little, so if I sound like an asshole I understand.

TL;DR: Having kids really sucks, but you have to make the best of it and do the best to make sure they turn out decent people.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Link - imgur.com