Her First 30 Days: Clinton Will Propose Amendment to Overturn Citizens United

That's right. They think this will make people want to vote for her. What her campaign and her supporters fail to understand is that she is a candidate with very severe character flaws.

She is so unlikable and untrustworthy, that no one can interpret any policy position she puts forward as anything other than calculating and self-serving.
She is literally unbelievable to so many Americans, they can't help but think she is pandering, even when she is trying to be sincere (whenever that happens to be). Everything she says and does will come off as pandering and anyone who is voting for her is voting "against trump", not "for Clinton."

Conversely, people say the opposite of Bernie Sanders. "I may not agree with what he says, but at least I know he's being honest with me." This is coming from my elderly, republican dad. My whole life people have been waiting for an honest politician, and when he finally shows up, they say they can't vote for him, because there's no chance of him winning.

Well, guess what? Bernie Sanders does have a chance of winning. In fact, even today, after everything that has occurred during this crazy election cycle, Bernie Sanders still has the best chance of winning out of all the other candidates, if he is selected as the Democratic nominee.

The DNC delegates can still fix this by activating the conscience clause in their DNC agreement. They have a responsibility to their constituents to vote for the candidate that has the highest likelihood of winning the presidency in the General Election, and that person is Bernie Sanders, not Hillary Clinton.

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