Hi, I'm Kikis from UOL. AMA


  1. How do you feel about Unicorn's of Love being labeled a lower quality, reckless, solo-queue type team by analysts from North America, Europe and Korea (Montecristo)?

  2. Do you feel this criticism is fair, honest and warranted or wrong/exaggerated?

  3. What were your honest expectations going into IEM and The LCS?

  4. Do you agree/disagree with analysts around the world that Europe is truly as weak as they say it is?

  5. What do you (and UoL) look to improve upon the most in your second split of the LCS?

  6. If you could jungle for any team in the world in North America, Korea and China - which teams would you choose?

  7. If League of Legends wasn't a thing, what would Kikis be doing (more or less) today?

  8. To add to that, if League of Legends wasn't a thing: is there any other game you may have potentially gone professional in or would have pursued to enter into professionally?

  9. Favorite eSports to follow, watch or play other than League of Legends?

  10. Favorite food!?

  11. What was the most profound thing about losing to C9 that stuck with you? Maybe C9's vision control, team fighting, certain players?

  12. Favorite video game/franchise as well as any other games you enjoy playing besides League of Legends?

  13. Favoritepornstar? (Everybody asks this I had to).

You're a champion in my eyes Kikis. I do somewhat agree UoL's playstyle may need some refinement but I also think people are a bit too critical/harsh. Less than a year ago, you were a collection of challenger players trying to make it. Hell, a year ago the majority of Europe/North America's teams didn't have coaches! The game has changed quite a lot and you just got into the LCS. I'm sure with a split of experience (and confidence since you guys did so damn well) as well as an off-season of coaching, analysis, practice and fine-tuning you will be one of the most formidable team's Europe and perhaps the world has ever seen.

Good luck going forward and thanks for making Europe's games so enjoyable to watch Kikis! Also, (judging from your Twitter) you are well versed in dank memes - I respect that.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread