hiding in a trash can WCGW

Nowhere in the rules does it state “must be a real event” or any words to that effect.

This skit is 1000x funnier with sound - i first saw it on r/perfectlycutscreams and I still laugh at it now.

If it were real it would break rule 4 or 5 of this subreddit.

I’d agree with the documentary parallels if the documentary was a 5 second, soundless piece that watching it took less effort than swatting at a fly, or indeed posting “wow that’s fake”. If this skit had made me invest 30mins to 2 hours of my time and then I realised it wasn’t meant to here, then I’d be worried I hadn’t noticed something was off early into the video. But it isn’t, it’s 5 seconds of my life. If it is truly offensive that it is on this sub then report it and move on.

A more acceptable equivalent would be when people used to Rick Roll. Pretend a link was something and then ‘oh no - it’s a joke!’ Where if you don’t like it you click off it and for 30 seconds your a tad miffed but then you forget about it because who cares, like really?

Everyone has a different sense of humour so I won’t dictate the idea of “it’s a joke so you should like it” but I don’t see the point in “it’s fake and therefore it’s bad”. As i said - if you think it doesn’t fit here then you can report it or say “this doesn’t fit here”. Or make a joke about how/why it’s bad. Generic “ehhh fake bad fake bad” is just something that has grown to irritate me.

And to start with I was gonna just be like “nope that’s too much writing for my brain to deal with” but it’s interesting to see other people’s perspectives, so thought I’d share mine.

Have a good day :)

/r/Whatcouldgowrong Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com