Hillary voters of reddit: why?

I wasn’t a Hillary voter because I wasn’t old enough, but I would have voted for her over Trump. Was she too involved with the establishment? Yes. Was she my first choice? Nope. But the point is, it’s no different of a situation now. Trump’s administration constantly covers up information, feeds a steady stream of lies to the public, and reeks of money laundering and corruption.

And glaringly, the rhetoric the White House puts out now has spurred uneducated, closed-minded, hateful people to commit violent acts against others in the name of their president and the cause they attribute to him.

Furthermore, he hasn’t really done anything for the good of this country. The only things I’ve noticed is repealing of laws (FDA regulations is one example), altered DACA, and filled the immigrant detention centers at maximum capacity with the poorly-thought-out plan they had. He hasn’t brought more jobs, he hasn’t built that frivolous wall, he hasn’t invested in public works, he hasn’t done anything for veterans or the military, and I can sure say that he hasn’t done a damn thing for the blue-collar, common man. When are people going to stop listening to this hypocrites’ lies?

He does not care about us, the working/middle class people, and he has made no effort to encourage bipartisanship and mutual respect so this country can be civil and whole again.

/r/AskReddit Thread