Hobart DJ Astro Labe admits headbutting Tony Abbott

Guys, how about this?

We all say we should respect everyones opinion, but maybe you should realise that Abbots opinions are harmful.

It is not an opinion to imprison thousands in a concentration camp.

It is not an opinion to sentence thousands of poor Australians to live a harder life.

It is not an opinion to deliberately screw up an entire nations infastructure to benefit your buddies at the top.

It is not an opinion to lead a campaign of hate against minorities in your our nation based on their sexual preference.

These are not opinions, this is hate filled garbage, that should be called out at every single fucking opportunity.

We can't let scum like abbot hide behind "mah opinion" anymore, if it means headbutting people so be it. Lord knows he would not be held accountable for his actions at ANY point in his life.

/r/australia Thread Link - abc.net.au