HotshotGG goes into detail as to why he Hates Doublelift (1:23)

I'm not gonna fault him for thinking that Doublelift was a bad teammate, and removing him accordingly or more accurately I guess, allowing it to happen when other people (Aphro?) wanted it to happen.

The problem is, he keeps this drama going on after it is done on the hands of everyone else, and repeatedly says that Doublelift wasn't loyal to CLG.

Except we know that he was, because he had the opportunity to go to TSM 3 years ago and didn't do it. He would have had a better time of actually winning things or being able to compete, and made more money, but he didn't take that option or any of the offers from Asia.

But Hotshot never disputes any of these things, or gives the proof he says he has of Doublelift's misdeeds. He just ignores any reasonable argument against what he says and refuses to share the proof.

He didn't even explain reasons for being unable to share the proof. I wouldn't be surprised if Hotshot was right about some of these things he claims, but he continues to try and communicate it in the worst way possible.

Honestly, he would have a lot of people supporting him if he had a PR person or wasn't terrible at it himself. If he clearly and concisely outlined Doublelift's transgressions, in a couple announcements and never talked about it again, he'd be golden.

Instead, he highlights like these. It can't be that hard to make Doublelift look like a bad guy when many former teammates say he's difficult to work with.

But instead of saying anything along those lines, he says that Doublelift is a bad person because he said that you should be nice to children (implying Hotshot is a child at the time).

Because hotshot somehow rationalizes that it means Doublelift thinks kindness is for children only. It makes no sense.

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