How is this anyone else's fault...

You started this whole argument by acting smarter than everyone else when u didn't even know what position they were talking about.

No, I started it by saying that linebackers were fat, even though I was thinking of lineman. I'm not sure how that comes across as "acting smarter than everyone else."

Then got offended

I'll take "things you wish happened" for $500! You acting like a child doesn't offend me (although it does annoy me, which I'm pretty sure is what you were angling for).

and proceeded to supply garbage sources till one proved me wrong

Okay. Also, "wrong position" is not "a garbage source." FOX news is a garbage source. NCBI is not.

Just so we are clear 15 percent body fat isn't fat... That was the initial point right?

No. The initial point is that linemen are fat. And, secondarily that your claim that linebackers are "5-10% body fat" is not accurate.

And that stat includes backups also, exclude them and I'm willing to bet that percentage goes down. But all this won't matter to you, you are right, you are great.

That doesn't matter to me because it's unsourced speculation. Provide a study to support literally anything you've been claiming.

Whatever man I hope you are nothing like this in real life or... Yikes lol.

No, I'm exactly like this in real life. I call people out when they make bullshit claims they can't back up with any proof. Sometimes I end up calling myself out on bullshit claims when it turns out the proof doesn't agree with what I originally thought.

Learning: it's fun. You should try it. For example: today I learned the difference between linebackers and linemen.

That's what u want to hear right?

Not really, since I don't give a shit about "appearing great." I do give a shit about knowing the way things really are though, and about making sure as many people as possible understand the difference between rigorous study and just making up some numbers that support whatever they want to believe.

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