How can you tell if you're in love with the person you're going to break up with/just broke up with or just feeling hurt for the separation?

Yikes. This is a good way to look at it and when I think back, yeah, my long term ex-BF is only in a few of my happiest memories.

We had so much drama. So many arguments, so much hurt. My best memories during my time with him are actually with my friends, and honestly (we broke up and got back together) my absolute best memories from that time period are from things I did with my friends and family while he and I were broken up.

He might actually see these — I think he knows my username. (If that’s the case ... Sorry, A. I think you know that I was more “myself” when we were apart, though, and I think you have a lot of great memories that don’t involve me. I hope you and the new girlfriend are more compatible!)

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