How to eat healthy when no one around you will?

Wow. You're really condescending.

I choose my friends carefully. I pick the ones that know how to handle themselves in a respectful manner. The world isn't a place where you just get away with whatever the fuck you want because that's what you feel like doing. There are rules that you have to play by to get to where you're going, there is a game you have to play to get to where you want to go. I will not be around people that don't know how to play that game. I surround myself with dependable, realistic people. If I have a friend that pulls thoughtless shit like that without a second thought, I do not get angry or butthurt about it. But I do distance myself from them. Inconsiderate narcissists make poor friends. How can you expect them to even consider your best interests if they are incapable of even seeing past themselves. I am a good friend: I honor my agreements, I'm there when people need me, I am generous with my money, and I think carefully before I act in all matters regarding friends. All of my friends are like that too, and that's how it will stay.

I don't know how you could possibly know enough about me to understand how I view the world. But if you think a reading a few Reddit comments is enough to understand the entirety of a persons world view, maybe your own world view is too simplistic to be of any actual use.

I do lift, but I don't get excessive about it. Lifting is not an activity that is be a be all end all in itself for me. It is a tool to keep my body physically able to do what I need from it when I need it to do it. Anything more is a waste of time in my opinion because I do not enjoy it. I know a lot of people do, and if you do good for you, but for me lifting is a tool. I find cycling and running to be much more fun and entertaining activities anyways, you get to go outside and see shit move past you, you feel the fresh air in your lungs and you have to be constantly aware of whats coming up.

Just fyi, going around telling people that they way the choose to view the world is the wrong way is not going to make people like you. And if you think you don't need people to like you, your wrong, you can't get anything done by yourself in this world. You need help, you need people who like you enough to go out of their way to help you. And if you're the narcissistic twat that brings one serving of his food to dinner at someone else's house so he doesn't have to eat your what they so considerately cooked for him, they're not going to give a fuck about what you need. All they're going to think about is how much of a clueless asshole you are.

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