How to fix things with my friend?

Here is the full story in case you want to read. It's quite long, but this is everything that transpired up until the moment we stopped talking about 2 weeks ago:

About three weeks ago me and one of my best friends (let's call her Megan) were casually chatting on text and a picture of hers that she had posted on a website came up in conversation. Now because of things like the angle it was taken from and bad lighting and stuff she appeared as if she wasn't wearing anything unless you looked really really close. Anyway at first we laughed about it. And then we started talking about something else, so i forgot about it for a bit, but then it came up again. Conversation looked something like this. I said:

  • Hahaha really tho, that picture :D
  • I like it tho
  • Yeah but it makes you look sorta like a... you know
  • A what?
  • I don't want to say it And then she started guessing the word and reached the word "hoe".

Now i didn't mean anything by it and i most definitely don't think that she is one, but understandingly she got really upset. I guess in my mind i was thinking that some people might see it and think that of her and that maybe she should take it down. But that's beside the point. Anyway so she got really upset and I immediately felt bad about what i had just done. I've basically called my best friend a hoe. So i tried to explain myself and apologize immediately. But she got really really sad because as she explained to me and as i knew from before, she doesn't have a lot of self confidence because of reasons i won't go into. Anyway so she got really sad but she told me she wasn't angry or anything and the conversation kinda ended.

Now I know what i did was wrong, I feel terrible about it and if i could take it all back i would. So I really wanted to apologize and make up for it, so the next day i talked to her again briefly and she said its ok and that she didn't want to make it a big deal. And i asked her if its really ok, because it is a big deal. And she said no not really and she also said she wasn't in the mood to talk to me. So i thought ok I'll give her a few days and maybe try and talk to her again.

Ok I hope you are still following because its about to get complicated.

So later that day her boyfriend, who also happens to be a really good friend of mine as well (let's call him Brian), texted me saying that he didn't want me to talk to her for a while and if i had anything to say it would have to go through him. And i said of course I understand and I'm really sorry for what i said. Anyway so I didn't talk to her. A few days past. In those days mind you i couldn't sleep, didn't want to eat and i think i might have even had a panic attack from fear of losing my friend and never talking to her again. Anyway so a few days past and i thought to see if i can talk to her and if anything to let her know that i want to talk about it. So i texted Brian saying that i want to talk to her etc. He said no, so i tried to fight it for a day or two, but things started to get heated and i really didn't want to disrespect him or go against him or anything, first because he is also my friend and second because it would have only made things worse. So i thought about it and then texted him and said: "Ok, lets start over, I want to make this right, so tell me what to do and i will do it" To which he said that i should wait for now and that he would tell me when the time is right. So i said to myself ok i will wait for as long as it takes until one of them contacts me etc.

A few days pass again and Megan finally texts me, after a week of silence, saying she doesn't want to take it on text so she asked if she could call later and i of course responded, said yes of course whenever you want to talk just call me. Anyway she texted me later that night saying she wasn't feeling so good and was tired and asked if we can talk tomorrow and once again i said yes whenever you feel like it. Anyway we finally talk the next day She told me how she felt, that she was really sad, she told me that isn't something you say to your friends. I of course knew that, I told her that it really isn't how it think of her and never have and never will. And I apologised again, and asked for her forgiveness. She accepted my apology and said that of course she will forgive me. Anyway things looked like they were on their way to getting better. Of course I wasn't expecting everything to normalize over night but she was finally talking to me and we were working it out. We even talked about what we had done in the week and just chatted about random things. So things were good or at least on their way to being good. At that point I also texted Brian apologizing about how i treated her etc. to which he responded that he wanted to meet after the weekend so we can talk face to face. I of course said ok.

So a few days pass again and the day before me and Brian are supposed to meet he calls me and says that i had disrespected his one rule of not talking to Megan and disrespected him in the process and so he didn't want to speak to me again and he was quite angry. Now I was confused since, for one she came to me asking to talk and second he set this meeting after me and Megan had talked. So i tried texting him asking whats happening etc. He didn't respond and I also later found out he unfriended me on social media and the like. So I text Megan saying that I think all three of us should talk. She later texted back saying that she doesn't want to talk right now. I'm like ok, I fugre maybe its a bad time or something. I try again the next day and she tells me She doesn't want to talk to me and she has nothing to say to me. At this point I don't know what to think about the whole situations so i tell her that it feels as if they are playing some sort of mind games with me, you know first she comes willingly to me and wants to talk then Brian goes off at me saying that I should have ignored her and not responded and waited, and then once again she doesn't want to talk to me. So after i told her that she got mad said she was really annoyed and was sick of me and doesn't want to talk to me. To which i responded with: "Well if you don't want to talk to me why did you come to me the other day saying you wanted to talk and accepted my apology and made me think that things are going to be ok" And she said that she tries to be nice and accept people's apologies, but she really didn't want to to speak with me then. To which i said that she shouldn't have cause now i feel like she lied to me. Anyway she told me that she needs a pause from all this and that i should leave here alone to which i said ok.

Finally i wrote her an email saying everything that i had left to say to her, that she means a lot to me, reminding her of all the good times we've had and how i've always been there for her when she needed me and that if our friendship ever meant something that i hope she will forgive me.

/r/Advice Thread