How intimate do you get with your guy best friend?

I have a couple of men who fit that title.

One is married to my best friend of more than a decade. I can talk to him about all of the intimate details of my life and it's very comfortable. He'll give me dating advice or "wtf does this text mean?" advice. I can talk about basically anything with him, including my sex life, and it's not weird. Both with and without his wife present, and none of the 3 of us ever feel like any boundaries are crossed. I have also talked to her about my friendship with him privately because I'm a chronic over thinker and she said that she loves how close he and I are. We aren't physically intimate at all, we do normal, short, friend hugs.

Another, I met through work. I can talk to him about my dating life or who I'm hooking up with, and he talks to me about his, but we never get into the intimate details. We've gone out to events together and I feel safe getting drunk around him or leaving my drink unattended with him. He's really one of my favorite people to spend time with. We moved departments together and are working towards getting onto the same team again during the next shift bid. Right now we work entirely different schedules, none of the same days off and his shift ends an hour before mine starts. It sucks, I miss him, but we still text and email at a decent rate. We're so close that when one of us gets a congratulations email on whatever achievement at work the supervisors who send it out CC the other on it lol. We've talked about our insecurities together and lost each other up. He was dating a woman shortly who treated him like garbage and I was pretty direct about the fact that I hated her and thought he deserved someone better. I never met her but she sounded like total trash. The next woman he was/is interested in is just lovely, I adore her, and was able to meet her recently. She and I got along right away and basically spent the whole night giving him shit, so I approve. He's also vetoed men for me and given me the "yas girl" on others lol. We are not physically intimate at all, we hug when we see each other but it's definitely a "bro hug" which is typical for most of my male coworkers who I make friends with. One night I got drunk with him and opened up about my rape story. It happened at my house and I couldn't get the guy to leave until I locked myself in my garage and told him I was calling my brothers to come over. His response was "if that shit ever happens again, call me but don't warn him. I would love to beat the shit out of someone for you. If you know where that guy lives I'll go over there right the fuck now and make him regret ever touching you". He's very much a "man's man" without all the toxic masculinity, and feels like a protective big brother. I nearly cried when I saw how upset he got over hearing about my assault. Really stand up guy.

For the next, went to a trade school together. Hadn't seen each other in years and when we met up recently he says "I just realized I never RSVP'd to your wedding, sorry about that. I'll catch the next one." I've been divorced about 1.5 years lol. We have nicknames for each other that we've used for the last ~7 years that we've known each other. We are more physically intimate than I am with any of my other friends who are men. He gives me a huge embrace whenever I see him, those amazing super long, super tight hugs. We tell each other we love each other, not often or all the time but here and there. When I visit we share a bed, and it's never weird. We went to school for massage therapy though, which may play a role. We still exchange massages as well which is awesome, and he's moving to my city for a new job opportunity and will be using my spare bedroom for a couple of months while we get settled. We can talk about basically anything, and I really trust him.

The last I have known the longest. We do the long hug embraces. I'm good friends with his husband as well. Aside from the big hugs we are not physically intimate, and he lives in town so overnights have never been a thing but if they were I wouldn't feel uncomfortable sharing a bed. He is pansexual (as am I) and a trans man, and I've known him since he was still presenting female/ closeted. We've talked about difficulties we've faced with our families and I feel that emotionally we are very intimate.

They're all great men who I feel comfortable and safe with. I feel like I can be emotionally intimate with all of them, and boundaries are never crossed. They're all a safe space for me, and I'd like to think I provide the same thing to them.

/r/AskWomen Thread