How many attempts did you take to pass driving test?


During my first practical I was a sweaty, jittery mess. It didn't help that my instructor had been making out one examiner to be a sort of Trunchbullian sadist, only for me to be tested by said examiner. Not great for confidence when you're sitting next to someone who is supposed to be the DVLA equivalent of Beelzebub.

I almost made it through despite clocking up a dozen or so minors, but whilst reversing into the bay at the test centre I forgot to check my mirrors. An instant fail in the last thirty seconds was devastating, but it was obviously right.

The second time around a few months later, and having spent some time with a much better instructor who helped with my nerves and confidence, it was a breeze. Sailed through with a couple of minors, despite having the supposedly unholy examiner again. I remember having quite a fun time, actually.

Everyone goes at their own pace, and IMO there's no shame in getting there after any number of tests as long as you treat the experience as a learning process that makes you a more capable driver.

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