How much food goes to waste in your house or workplace?

Way too much. I live with my parents and brother, but I buy almost all of my food and I cook all of my own food - I waste little of it. The three of them however, more my mother and brother, waste a lot. They buy way more food than necessary, cook more than necessary, leave leftovers in the fridge for too many days until they need to be thrown away instead of eating them or even freezing them if possible. My brother is terrible and if he was buying his own food, he would probably live on instant noodles, but because he doesn’t have to pay for any of this he doesn’t care. Even loaves of bread. There will be two loaves open at times, for 4 people, who don’t all eat bread every day. So lost of it ends up thrown out. And then they complain about money.

/r/AskWomen Thread