How to respond to a man-hater

For fuck sake, I'm advocating not misplacing your anger, of which you seem to have a whole hell of a lot.

Directing your anger towards your enemies is misplacing your anger now?

It's not gynocentric to say don't beat the fuck out of someone with a blue shirt because another person with a blue shirt punched you.

This has nothing to do with blue shirts.

and no a thug is not a true warrior, thugs are usually mentally deficient youths that can't understand basic societal contracts.

The societal contracts have all been broken between society and men, you fool.

One of them is don't start nothing, there won't be nothing.

So when I see the enemy, I should just tell myself, don't start nothing, there won't be nothing? We are in the midst of a war and we are losing. The best option is to just bend over and be "decent human beings?" LOL I don't think so. WAR IS WAR. If you can't handle that, go retreat to your safe space, stay there and don't come out until this war is over.

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