How to stay motivated for small amounts of weight loss?

wow that's a lot of weight to lose!! Whenever I read about people losing so much it blows my mind - that's a whole person! and here I am whining about a couple extra pounds lol. That's so cool you've done that :) and I will definitely start to think that way, I think I've started to already but just haven't gone into it fully. I think I do want to be active as it genuinely makes me happy. Whenever I go through my 2 week health-craze-faze I notice I have more energy and kind of bounce when I walk because I hold myself better. Thank you for this advice!

I've been around 130 for most of high school and after going to uni I gained a lot. I think that's why I don't feel any internal pressure to lose since I've pretty much looked the same, just more toned back then.

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