I do this and I think it's just being polite

I most certainly blame customers. You don't see the level entitlement has become with customers and internet. One day I had an internet outage at my store, and it was the ISP's fault. It was going to be out all day. 10 customers came in to abuse the wifi and exchange food purchase for wifi. When they purchased the food, and did not see the three signs we had saying we had on the window, counter, and door that there was no wifi for the day. They were furious. They screamed at the store manager and staff, the cops had to be called. It was a bad scene, but 5 of them stuck around on the public side walked, and screamed and bitched to every normal patron. They scared away 40% of the normal business we would have had. Why? because we didn't have internet for 1 day.

These people are a plague to a coffee shop, and they are not good customers. Good customers would instead be like "Oh, well that's disappointing. I'll have my drink and food, enjoy the atmosphere and go somewhere else." Not picket the front door.

The worst customers are the most outspoken, entitled pricks. And they ruin it for everyone when they cause the atmosphere that turns away good customers. Be it sitting and taking up too much table space, staying too long, and scaring away new customers. These also tend to be the same customers that say "I've been coming here for 10/15/20 years" - Well you know what, I don't care if you've been coming there for 30 years. If you do these things, we don't want you. If you spend $8-$20 every two hours, I'm totally OK with you sticking around, as long as you don't take up seating for 4 people. It's no different than buying 1 ticket for a plane trip, and thinking you can take 4 seats up. The margin of profit for the allowed space in the venue does not allow for that kind of bullshit.

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