If you have ever said #BlueLivesMatter or #AllLivesMatter, realize that Capitol Hill Police Officer Brian Sicknick was murdered by pro-Trump rioters. Where’s your outrage?

I’m with you dude. It’s important to have empathy for the people who were radicalized. Some of them are genuinely mentally ill and have been gaslighted and lied to by everyone they trusted for years. They don’t believed in the reality that most of the world exists in. Some elements of their belief system are entirely fiction and they are none the wiser. People were getting red pilled for years and believed with conviction that their fiction was true. Those people should be admonished but not tossed aside. Real change comes from eliminating the sources of real disinformation. Qanon is a prime example of a conspiracy theory that outgrew its design, its primary purpose was to grift and sell merch but they wound up fomenting an insurrection. A lot of peoples realities are being dismantled and many will find consequences for the actions they took while they were so enamored with the delusions.

Ultimately, these people are not just the people storming the capital. They are your neighbors, not all of them are irredeemable but certainly some of them are.

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