If my sole purpose is to get visible abs, does it matter if I continue to eat under my calorie count and lift 5 times a week?

I'm 21 y/o, 5'10 and 143 pounds, but I'm pretty sure literally all my body fat goes straight to my stomach now. My upper body looks pretty nice and it seems the only place my body continues to hold onto fat is my abs. I know that weight loss is just calories in-take vs out-take, and for the most part Mon-Fri I eat well under 1200 calories. However, I also continue to work out 5 times week, hitting chest, back, shoulders, arms, and legs during my week, and running a mile before each of my workouts and finishing with abs almost after every workout (I go to planet fitness, so I use their ab machines plus sometimes crunches and planks). So my question is this, if my main goal is to just get abs, what should I be doing differently? I'll admit that on the weekends I could do better, since its usually when my diet gets messed up due to visiting friends and eating/drinking out, and I don't tend to do much exercise on the weekends except walking around. Should I be eating more calories to help grow my abs, or should I keep a more strict cut to lose the fat around my stomach (and I guess bf % in general). While I would like to get stronger in my lifts, such as benching and squatting, I primarily really only care about toning and getting abs (I know its not the popular reason here, but for me that's my goal). For me its definitely becoming a struggle dropping below 143 pounds. Some days I'll drop to 141 and start to see the outline of my abs, but they aren't really still visible. I can't imagine dropping even lower than 141, it just seems impossibly hard.

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