If Riot is going to stop adding particles to cheaper skins on reworked champs because it creates confusion over skin pricing, they should also lower the price of old skins that no longer hold up to today's pricing standards

I've played since mid season 2 and we didn't have any of that at the time I'm plenty happy enough with currently having 250+ Skins with the looting system and some RP won here and there I can't really complain

I'm happy when people buy into RP and promote actively the game becase I think they deserve it.

Anyway there is no such thing as exploting vulnerable customers nobody is compelled to buy RP and yet somebody like me that has spent a grand total of €15 on this game is allowed to have multiple skins, Riot is very fair with its content and its pricing and has even 24h locks on loot chest for avoding excessive purchases fromj gambling addicts

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